Fittings and Clasps

Our workshop is able to replicate missing clasps or fittings true to the original, with traditional craftsmanship of the time being used to achieve this . Thus, each piece is hand- crafted , patinated and true to the original. Furthermore, broken fittings can be restored in order to again fulfill their original function. Should custome made tools be necessary, such tools are hand made specifically for that custom order.

Book fittings and clasps can of course also be used as unique elements in newly bound books.


Beschläge Buch Sixl

Book fittings were originally used to protect the book and to prevent the cover from damage. Over time, they have also evolved into decorative and ornamental elements. In contrast, book clasps were always designed to protect the book block from dirt on the inside and from the unpleasant effects of moisture. Especially with parchment manuscripts it was imperative that the hygroscopically sensitive parchment leaves were not exposed to moisture.
